Homer Newbie Chronicles: The 1-Hour Flightsee

Hello all. Uran here. As the newest Steller Air employee and brand-new Homer transplant, I have been given the difficult task of jumping on our flights to get familiar with the area and our offerings. I know. It sounds just awful, doesn’t it? However, I’m a dutiful employee, and it’s part of my training, so I try to oblige. 😀

The first of these “training flights” was a 1-hour Flightsee. We took off from Beluga Lake, and flew out the Homer Spit to the mouth of the Wosnesenski River. Following the river into Katchemak Bay State Park, we soared over the Wosnesenski Glacier. Our skilled pilot Jimmy snaked a path over the park to show us the Grewingk, Dixon, and Portlock Glaciers, Bradley Lake, and several other beautiful sightings. Once we reached the head of the bay, we circled around and followed the bluff all the way back to Homer. The whole trip was absolutely breathtaking, and we saw a lot of wildlife including birds, mountain goats, and even a mother black bear with her two cubs. From flying in a floatplane to seeing the picturesque landscape of Homer, it was an experience unlike any I’ve ever had.

Stay tuned for my next flying adventure. Better yet, join me in Homer and we’ll experience it together! Call us at 907-299-0284 or fill out our request form to reserve your spot.





